The original blue 8 1/2 x 14 edition was a huge top seller. Now it's even better!
This is not an overview or a bunch of stories but rather a step by step guide on EVERYTHING you need to know about finding, working and keeping a restaurant job. Balloon Artists, magicians, face painters, clowns or any performer can benefit from Bruce's advice.
What's in the portfolio?
Finding the Right Restaurant, Getting the Appointment,
Key Phrases, Meet the Manager, Tips or Pay
Main Course
Getting Ready, What to Do There, How to Act, They Like Me, They Really Like Me,
Keeping the Restaurant, Expand and Adjust the Hours
Side Orders
Problems, Getting Along with Waitstaff, Tip Stealers
Pushing Tips, Promoting Your Shows
Today’s Specials
select-a-restaurant worksheet, restaurant phone form,
file folder, restaurant brochure, letter of agreement,
signs for tables, tip pins, buckslip/care card
This newly updated and expanded edition includes a Restaurant Journal complete with all the forms necessary to keep track of your quest with restaurants.
"Bruce Kalver's Restaurant Portfolio is THE resource guide for anyone wanting a job as a walk around performer in a restaurant. You will be referring to this book over and over again."
8 1/2 x 11 inch pages, 24 page portfolio + forms and worksheets = 45 pages.
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